速報APP / 工具 / Blockr NFC RFID Card Tester

Blockr NFC RFID Card Tester





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



Blockr NFC RFID Card Tester(圖1)-速報App

- See how easy it is to scan your contactless credit card

- If you are a Blockr customer and have purchased one of our cards, check the effectiveness of your Blockr card

It's never been easier for criminals to get your card details using scanner technology to read your contactless credit card (known as RFID or NFC cards). Data thieves can walk past you with a scanner in a bag and pick up your RFID card details, including card number, expiry date and even your PIN.

Blockr NFC RFID Card Tester(圖2)-速報App

Blockr provide a range of blocker cards you can add to your purse or wallet that scrambles your NFC signal, helping to prevent your card being read without you knowing.

The app is free for customers who have purchased our protection cards but can also be used by anyone who wants to see how easily a card can be read.

Please note, this app will only highlight when an RFID card has been read, it doesn't extract, display or store any card details.

Blockr NFC RFID Card Tester(圖3)-速報App

You must have an NFC enabled phone to use this app.